
1. Some people say that Tsiolkovsky invented the space rocket (CREDITED)

2. I daren’t turn on the TV because the baby might wake up (FEAR)

3. Some people would do anything to lose weight (LENGHTS)

4. The river Volta overflowed last year (BURST)

5. He doesn’t appreciate his wife (GRANTED)

6. William decide that an actor’s life was not for him (CUT)

7. The President arranged for me to use his chauffer-driven car whenever I liked (DISPOSAL)

8. My cat has lost its appetite (OFF)

9. The children made every effort to please their father (BEST)

10. His behaviour was rather a shock to me (ABACK)


Tsiolkovsky is credited as inventor of the space rocket
Tsiolkovsky is credited with having invented the space rocket

I daren’t turn on the TV for fear waking the baby up/waking up the baby
I daren’t turn on the TV for fear that the baby wakes up

Some people would go to any lenghts to lose weight (hacer todo lo posible)

The river Volta burst its banks last year

He takes his wife for granted

(take sth for granted == dar algo por sentado)
(take sb for granted == no apreciar a esa persona)


William decided that he wasn’t cut out to be an actor (estar hecho)
William decided that he wasn’t cut out for being an actor


The President put his chauffer-driven car at my disposal

My cat has got off the food
(go off sth/ go off sb == te deja de gustar) Example: Mary has gone off Peter.

The children did their best to pleasure their father

His behaviour took me aback  (take sb aback == sorprender)
I was taken aback by his behaviour

Multiple Choice


Do you want to take part in the battle to save the world’s wildlife? Animal Watch is the book which will (1) you in the fight for survival that (2) many of our endangered animals and show how they struggle on the (3) of extinction .

As you enjoy the book’s 250 pages and over 150 colour photographs, you will have the (4) of knowing that part of your purchase money is being used to (5) animals (6) from the comfort of your armchair, you will be able to observe the world’s animals close-up and explore their habitats. You will also discover the terrible results of human (7) for land, flesh and skins.

Animal Watch is packed with fascinating facts. Did you know that polar bears cover their black noses (8) their (9) so they can hunt their prey in the snow without being seen, for example? Or that (10) each orangutan which is captured, one has to die?

This superb (11) has so (12) Britain’s leading wildlife charity that it has been chosen as Book of the Year, a (13) awarded to books which are considered to have made a major contribution to wildlife conservation. You will find Animal Watch at a special low (14) price at all good bookshops, but hurry while (15) last.

a) combine
b) involve
c) bring
d) lead

a) meets
b) opposes
c) forces
d) faces

a) edge
b) start
c) limit
d) end

a) satisfaction
b) enjoyment
c) virtue
d) value

a) enable
b) help
c) allow
d) assist

a) preserve
b) conserve
c) revive
d) survive

a) greed
b) interest
c) care
d) concern

a) with
b) by
c) for
d) from

a) feet
b) claws
c) paws
d) toes

a) for
b) at
c) from
d) to

a) publicy
b) periodical
c) publication
d) reference

a) imposed
b) impressed
c) persuaded
d) admired

a) symbol
b) title
c) trademark
d) nickname

a) beginning
b) preparatory
c) original
d) introductory

a) stores
b) stocks
c) goods
d) funds


1) B (involve)

  • combine + with
  • involve (ES: convellevar, involucrar)
  • bring + to
  • lead + to

2) D (faces)

3) A (edge)

  • on the edge (ES: al borde de)
  • to the limit

4) A (satisfaction)

5) B (help)

  • enable sb to do sth (ES: capacitar)
  • allow sb to + infinitive + sth (ES: permitir)
  • assist sb in + doing sth (ES: ayudar, formal)

6) D (survive)

  • preserve (ES: conservar -comida-)
  • conserve (ES: conservar -energía-)

7) A (greed)

  • greed (ES: deseo de comida, gula, codicia)
  • interest + in
  • care + for (ES: cuidar)
  • concern + about

8) A (with)

9) C (paws)

  • claws (ES: garras)
  • paws (ES: patas)

10) C (for)

11) C (publication)

12) B (impressed)

13) B (title)

14) D (introductory)

15) B (stocks)

Phrasal Verbs With Two Meanings

Each sentence in the first group uses the same phrasal verb as a sentence in the second group. Find the pairs of sentences by putting the following verbs into the sentences.

catch on
dry up
fall off
fall through
look up
make up
put off
run across
see through
take back

1. There’s a hole in the floor. Mind you don’t it.
2. Whenever there is a period without rain, all the lakes .
3. They said that the blue cheese was very tasty, but the smell me .
4. They quarrel almost every day, but they always kiss and afterwards.
5. I’ve had some bad luck, but things are beginning to , I’m glad to say.
6. Once you have started something, you ought to it to the end.
7. Hold the handlebars with both hands or you might .
8. This coat I bought is too small for me. Do you think I should it to the shop?
9. Have you seen Roger lately? Yes, I happened to him in Oxford last Week.
10. Janet’s children are very intelligent. When you explain something to them, they seem very quickly.

a) If you don’t know the meaning of a word, you can always it the dictionary.
b) Is that a true story, or did you just it ?
c) Sword swallowing is very popular in Rumania, they tell me. Do you think it would ever in this country?
d) Actors hate it when they forget their words and simply .
e) It is dangerous to let children busy roads.
f) He tried to deceive her with his talk about marriage, but she was able to him very easily.
g) His plans to go to Australia after he became seriously ill.
h) I said that Julie was a lazy good-for-nothing, but I was wrong. I everything I said about her.
i) We used to get a lot of people at our meetings, but attendance has started to lately.
j) The meeting that was due to take place today has been until next week.


catch on:

  • to understand, especially after a long time (ES: entender)
  • to become fashionable or popular (ES: llegar a ser popular)

dry up

  • forget speech, slang (ES: quedarse en blanco)
  • dry completely (ES: secarse)

fall off

  • become detached from (ES: caerse de)
  • decrease (ES: disminuir)

fall through

  • come down through sth  (ES: caerse por)
  • be unsuccessful, come to nothing(ES: fracasar, venirse abajo)

look up

  • lift your gaze (ES: mirar arriba)
  • find meaning, improve (ES: buscar, mejorar)

make up

  • invent, imagine (ES: inventarse)
  • constitute (ES: montar una empresa…)
  • make up (with somebody) (ES: hacer las paces)
  • make up with your mind (ES: decidirte)

put off

  • delay until later (ES: posponer)
  • Put somebody off + ingdiscourage  (ES: desanimar, quitar intenciones de)

run across

  • encounter by chance (ES: toparse con alguien)  == come across == run into
  • cross (ES: cruzar, correr a través)

see through

  • See through somebody:  not be deceived (ES: verle las intenciones a alguien, calar)
  • See something through: (task, project) complete (ES:terminar)

take back

  •  (ES: retirar)
  •  (ES: devolver)


  •  fool into doing (ES: engañar, tomar el pelo)  == take somebody in


1) fall through
2) dry up
3) put off
4) make up
5) look up
6) see through
7) fall off
8) take back
9) run across
10) catch on

a) look up
b) make up
c) catch on
d) dry up
e) run across
f) see through
g) fall through
j) put off
i) fall off
h) take back

Cooling off period

Cooling off period


Cooling off period means “period in which one can cancel a purchase” (ES: período de prueba)


Hay un periodo de pruebas de 14 días
There is a 14 day cooling off period.

Qué pasada de …

That’s a corker of …!


Cork means “tree covering” (ES: corcho)


¡Qué pasada de casa!
That’s a corker of a house!

Multiple Choice

Choose the right answer:

1. Both, Sheila and Tom, came ‘flu, so we had to put off the holidays.

a) in for
b) down with
c) down on
d) up with

2. A is a gossip who wants to know everything that happens to you.

a) wet blanket
b) couch potato
c) rolling stone
d) nosy parker


4. She fainted but came after a while


Put off: Delay until later (ES: posponer)
Gossip: Informal talk (ES: chisme, cotilla)
Wet Blanket: person who ruins others’ fun (ES: aguafiestas)
Couch Potato:
Nosy Parker: (ES: entrometido)
Faint: lose consciousness (ES: desmayarse)


1. B
2. D
3. A

Idioms with “At”

Fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Choose from the following:

at a loose end
at a loss
at a pinch
at a standstill

at all costs
at all hours
at best
at death’s door

at a loose end
at a loss
at a pinch
at a standstill

  1. We must catch the 7.30 train. Otherwise we won’t get to the meeting in time.
  2. It is difficult to know who’s in the matter. Perhaps we are all to blame.
  3. It’s late. I think you’d better go to bed now, darling. Remember, you’ve got to get up tomorrow.
  4. Since it’s his first offence he’ll probably get off with a warning – a small fine.
  5. If you’re ___ this weekend, Joan, why not come over for a meal? It’ll give us a chance to catch up on some gossip.
  6. I may be getting on a bit, but I’m certainly not ___ yet! I hope to live for at least another ten to fifteen years!
  7. When her daughter didn’t come home on the last bus with the other girls, Mrs Jenkins was ___, terrified that something dreadful had happened to her.
  8. Like you, I’m ___ to explain the sudden fall in share prices. I’ve absolutely no idea what can have caused it.
  9. When Richard Burton saw Elizabeth Taylor it was a classic case of love ___.
  10. Traffic was ___ this morning because of an accident on the A21.
  11. I’m afraid everything’s ___ this week. Both the secretaries are ill and no one knows where anything is.
  12. The hotel wasn’t that modern, but ___ it was cheap and reasonably clean.
  13. I’ve got room in the car for three – four people ___.
  14. Mrs Smith’s daughter is terrible, isn’t she? Out about town ___ and never a kind word to anyone.
  15. You should be able to sell your stereo equipment for $300 – ___ $350.
  16. If you don’t get out ___ then I shall have you thrown out.
  17. Pamela and David are always ___. I really can’t imagine why they got married in the first place. They are absolutely nothing in common.
  18. A chameleon is a remarkable creature – it is able to change the colour of its skin ___.
  19. You can’t expect me to work overtime ___ such ___! I need to be told at least two days in advance.
  20. I was in a hurry for my train, so I chose a book ___.


Get off with sth: Lenient punishment (ES: zafarse)

Gossip: Informal talk (ES:  chisme)

Catch up: Compensate for time lost (ES: ponerse al día)


(01) At all costs: It must be done or avoided whatever happens, at any cost.
A toda costa
02. at fault (It is difficult to know who is to blame)
(03) At the crack of dawn: Very early
Muy temprano
04. at most (The worst or most severe punishment will be a small fine)
(05) At loose ends: when you have nothing to do.
No tener nada que hacer
06. at death’s door (Seriously ill; about to die)
07. at wits’ end (She was in such a state of anxiety that she didn’t know what to do)
08. at a loss (Unable to explain the sudden fall in share prices)
09. at fist sight (It was love from the first moment they saw each other)
10. at a standstill (The traffic was not moving)
11. at sixes and sevens (Everything is very confused and muddled)
12. at least (If nothing else)
(13) At a pinch: If necessary. (Four if necessary, but with some difficulty)
En caso de necesidad, si no hay más remedio
14. at all hours (She is out all the time)
(15) At best: Taking the most optimistic view ($350 would be the best price the person could get)
En el mejor de los casos
16. at once (Immediately)
17. at loggerheads (They are always quarrelling)
18. at will (It can change the colour of its skin whenever it wants to)
19. at (such) short notice (With such little advance warning)
20. at random (Without choosing carefully or deliberately)

At a loss: Estar perdido (situación)
At a standstill: estar en un atasco
At all hours: A todas horas
At death’s door: Con un pie en la tumba
At fault: Tener la culpa
At first sight: A primera vista
At least: Al menos
At loggerheads: Discutir todo el día
At most: Como mucho
At once: En seguida
At one’s wits’ end : Estar muy nervioso
At random: Al azar
At short notice: Avisar con poco tiempo
At sixes and sevens: Patas arriba
At the crack of dawn: Muy pronto, muy de madrugada
At will: Por propia voluntad