
This couple broke up (separated), but he could never get over it (forget about her). They’re not together, but he still has her photo beside him and her lipstick mark on her last coffee cup (he didn't want to clean it because he wanted to have a memory of her), because he never wanted to forget her. She, on the other hand, seems to have got over it and has a new life ("you excelled at being free").

Pride kept him away, but after a long time, now he is ready to give up and swallow his pride ("now it's time for me to give up") and deeply regrets everything that happened. All he wants now is to be together again. He’s not very sure if it was his mistake or hers, but all the same he wants to make up for anything wrong he made. He is willing to do anything to have her back, and this time, forever (for good)



I guess now it's time
For me to give up
I feel it's time
Got a picture of you beside me
Got your lipstick mark
Still on your coffee cup
Got a fist of pure emotion
Got a head of shattered dreams
Gotta leave it
Gotta leave it all behind now

Whatever I said,
Whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
I want you back for good

Unaware but underlined
I figured out this story
It wasn't good
But in the corner of my mind
I celebrated glory
But that was not to be
In the twist of separation
You excelled at being free
Can't you find
A little room inside for me

Whatever I said,
Whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
I want you back for good

And we'll be together
This time is forever
We'll be fighting and forever we will be
So complete in our love
We will never be uncovered again

Whatever I said,
Whatever I did I didn't mean it
I just want you back for good
Whenever I'm wrong
Just tell me the song and I'll sing it
You'll be right and understood
I want you back for good

I guess now it's time
That you came back for good
Play with the song, fill the gaps
  • The video player plays from the time specified
  • Chorus
  • People Talking


For good

Marta thought her mother was gone for good

Give up



If you excel at something you are incredibly good at it, better than anybody else.


To suppose


Broken into little pieces; completely destroyed

figured it out

To figure out means "to understand"
I can’t figure out why he said that.