


bandera Versión Original
bandera Traducción al Español
Me acuerdo y pienso el tiempo

I remember,

que llevábamos sin vernos,

And I think of the time that we used to take without seeing ourselves

dos niños pequeños

Two small children

que lo sentían todo,

That felt it all

pero lo sigo sintiendo hoy por ti,

And I keep feeling it for you today.

recuerdos que tengo,

Memories that I have

no entiendo que dejáramos de vernos buscando

and I don't understand we might stop seeing each other

en mil besos que no son nuestros besos,

Looking for a thousand kisses, That are not our kisses.

deseo estar contigo hasta morir.

I want to be with you until death.


Losing hope

Te he buscado en mis sueños y ahogándome

I have looked for you in my dreams, and drowning

volverá seguro que volverá

It will return, surely it will return

y sigo sintiendo te echo de menos

I keep feeling it and I miss you

que acabe mi soledad

May my loneliness end

volverá te juro que volverá

It will return, I swear to you it will return

ese amor verdadero

That true love

De cuando era pequeño

From when you were small

seguro que volverá, volverá.

Surely it will return, it will return

Te miro mi tiempo y siento

I look at you in time And I feel

que tú eres lo que quiero

that you are what I want

mi niña, mi sueño

My girl, my dream

todo eso que no tengo

All that I do not have

y que sigo sintiendo hoy por ti.

And I keep feeling for you today

Incluso en mis sueños

Even in my dreams

me invento y creo que te tengo te toco,

I make up and I believe that I have you

tu cuerpo y se que eso no es cierto

That I touch your body, And I know that is not true

me estoy acojonándome sin ti.

And that I am scaring myself to death without you


Losing hope

Te he buscado en mis sueños y ahogándome

I have looked for you in my dreams, and drowning

volverá seguro que volverá

It will return, surely it will return

y sigo sintiendo te echo de menos

I keep feeling it and I miss you

que acabe mi soledad

May my loneliness end

volverá te juro que volverá

It will return, I swear to you it will return

ese amor verdadero

That true love

De cuando era pequeño

From when you were small

seguro que volverá, volverá.

Surely it will return, it will return


Losing hope

Te he buscado en mis sueños y ahogándome

I have looked for you in my dreams, and drowning

volverá seguro que volverá

It will return, surely it will return

y sigo sintiendo y te echo de menos

I keep feeling it and I miss you

que acabe mi soledad

May my loneliness end

volverá te juro que volverá

It will return, I swear to you it will return

ese amor verdadero

That true love

De cuando era pequeño

From when you were small

seguro que volverá, volverá.

Surely it will return, it will return

Play with the song, fill the gaps
  • The video player plays from the time specified
  • Chorus
  • People Talking
