Lost On You
LPThis track is about the breakdown of LP's relationship with her ex-girlfriend.
"When I wrote that song I was actually a year away from breaking up with that person," she told The Independent. "It was like being suffocated slowly… I always go into a relationship wanting it to last forever, I think most people do, and then you have that scary period where you become aware that it isn't working."
Source: songfacts.com
When you get older, plainer, saner
Will you remember all the danger
We came from?
Burning like embers, falling, tender
Longing for the days of no surrender
Years ago
And well you know
'Cause it's going down
All I ever wanted was you
I'll never get to heaven
'Cause I don't know how
Let's raise a glass or two
To all the things I've lost on you
Tell me are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I've lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Is that lost on you?
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Baby, is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Wishin' I could see the machinations
Understand the toil of expectations
In your mind
Hold me like you never lost your patience
Tell me that you love me more than hate me
All the time
And you're still mine
So smoke 'em if you got 'em
'Cause it's going down
All I ever wanted was you
Let's take a drink of heaven
This can turn around
Let's raise a glass or two
To all the things I've lost on you
Tell me are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I've lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Is that lost on you?
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh
Baby, is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
Let's raise a glass or two
To all the things I've lost on you
Tell me are they lost on you?
Just that you could cut me loose
After everything I've lost on you
Is that lost on you?
Is that lost on you?
The phrase "Smoke 'em if you got 'em" or "Smoke if you got 'em" is slang for "do what you want, if you have the means". The first phrase was popular in the United States military during World War II, meaning to take a break. Officers would say "Smoke 'em if you got 'em", allowing the soldiers to take a break and smoke their cigarettes, "if you got' em" referring to the vagaries of war. Cigarettes were nearly impossible to get in Europe during that time because of the deprivations of the war.
Remains of a fire
To end a personal or professional relationship with someone, often abrupt.
To free or remove someone or something from something, often by literally cutting.
He really began to cut loose after she left home
It's nice to relax, once the day's toil is done.
To give up
I surrender, you win